
Family Life

Q1. When do children usually leave home?
I think children usually leave their home after they graduated from high school or university, because they get a job and they have to stand on their own feet. And some people leave home when they married.

Q2. How many people live in your home?
There are five in my family. I live with my father, my mother, my older sister, my younger sister, and mix dog. But my older sister will leave home on October, because she will get married.

Q3. Do you have a head of the family?
Yes. I have. My father is a head of the family. I think most of head of families is father.

Q4. Who does the housework?
My mother do it. I respect her. My father never does the housework.

Q5. Who runs the family?
I think father and mother runs the family. My father works with my mother in my house.

Q6. How many rooms do yo have to sleep in?
I have 4 rooms. One, my fater uses. Two, my mother uses. Three, my older sister uses. And four, my younger sister and me use.

2 件のコメント:

yellow dress さんのコメント...

Hello!! I think your family is similar to my family on some points. My father never done housework, too. Do you think most Japanese fathers are like ours?

RiddledSphinx さんのコメント...

You said that your sister is leaving home to get married. Are you planning to live at home until you get married?