
Lesson 6 Names and Adress

1. Are feeling emotions and facial expressions universal across borders, happy, sad, etc...?
Yes, I think so. I think people can communicate with each other without language. So I feel feeling emotions and facial expressions are very important for us.

2. Try to name as many feelings as possible in Japanese. Now write the English translation.
  • 好き・・・love, like
  • 嫌い・・・hate
  • 怒り・・・anger
  • 嫉妬・・・jealousy
  • 悲しい・・・sorrow, sad
  • 恐い・・・fear
  • 絶望する・・・despair
  • 幸せ・・・happy
  • 興奮する・・・excite
  • 焦る・・・fell heat

3. Are there any feelings in Japanese that cannot be translated into English?

  • なげやりになる
  • あたまにくる
  • へそで茶を沸かす

2 件のコメント:

yellow dress さんのコメント...

"へそで茶を沸かす" is very interesting example!! How about to translate "I can't bear laughing!!"??

seaman さんのコメント...

Yr comments are very interesting and funny. Especially, ”へそで茶を沸かす”I think that it's good examle. Japanese has many proverb. Another example "堪忍袋の緒が切れた" means perhaps "I got angry." but It is really hard to explain to foreign people.