
About Islam

I heard a her speech, and my views of Islam changed. I had a negative image about Islam until I heard a her speech, because I thought they like wars. In fact, they launch a string of suicide bombings. However, her speech eased my mind because I found they are kind, and the person who like war is small. I could enjoy listening to various stories. For example, god(Allah), foods, folk costume, and more.

1. How do you greet people in your life? Is it different for different
people? why?
When I meet my frends, I give a friendly greeting, and I call out their fast name or their nickname. For example, "Hi, Hanako" "Hello, Tomo-chan"
On the other hand, I greet teachers, older person, and strangers politely. I often greet with a smile, and bow. And I never call out ther first name. For example, "Good morning, Dr. Yamada" I always try to use respect lauguage when I talk with them. I can't greet the same way as older person and friends, because it's a bad manner that younger people treat older people like friends.

2. Do you touch people when you talk to them? Why? or why not?
That depend. I often touch my boyfriend when I talk to him. I think that it's a physical contact, and communication. And sometimes I do it for giving expression to my thoughts, and drawing his attention.
I sometimes touch my friends, but I never touch strangers. If I do it, it's cause hardship for strangers. So I think most of Japanese never do it.

2 件のコメント:

yellow dress さんのコメント...

I agree with you. I touch my boyfrieng and very close people, but never do strangers although I think no one touch stranger regardless of nationality!!

yoppy さんのコメント...

Actually, I also say nickname or first name when I greet my friends because I want to pay their attention to me. But I never say first name when I meet elder people to show respect. Thats one of Japanese customs!