

After listening to today’s presentations and reading what the new Minister of Education in the newspapers. Please read the opinion in the December 6th International Herald Tribune. http://www.iht.com/articles/2006/12/06/opinion/edkumiko.php 
Do you agree with the writer? Why? Give at least 3 examples to support your answer.

I agree with this writer.
English is an international language, but Japanese are not good at speaking English, because pronunciation is very difficult for us, so we can not speak fluently. I think Japanese have to learn English from early age. I agree that children study English at elementary schools, because children are not good at new language, so it is necessary to familiarize English with children from early age. Indeed, it is also important that we learn our culture or history. But English will be more neccesary to our life in nearly future, so we have to learn correct pronunciation, and we have confidence in our English skill.

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